About Sue Miller:
In the 1970’s Sue Miller was a young mother, wife, and a professional model when she was diagnosed with breast cancer. This was a time when few, if any, groups existed to assist with the traumas of breast cancer. Women who suffered with fear about the disease and deformities had no one to turn to about their loneliness and feelings of inferiority and lack of femininity.
Years after her diagnosis, Sue decided to create an opportunity for women who had breast cancer to feel beautiful again by being in a fashion show. In 1980, the Sue Miller – Day of Caring was created as the first breast cancer organization to form within the state of Colorado.
Sue crossed the threshold of her own insecurities-to reach out and help women become strong advocates, acquiring the ability to stand up and stand out as the truly special people they are. What began as a fashion show in small restaurants and hotels progressed to become a well-respected and impactful organization.
Sue Miller, born on March 7, 1934 in Kansas City, MO, passed away on May 29, 2017.
The Sue Miller Day of Caring is pleased and excited to announce that the organization has become part of Cancer League of Colorado. The Day of Caring was founded in 1980 as Colorado’s first breast cancer-related organization, and is proud to have served almost 17,500 survivors across Colorado with meaningful educational experiences, emotional support and financial assistance.
Leslie Heins, daughter of Sue Miller and member of the Day of Caring Board of Directors, worked extensively with the Board to chart the path forward for the organization in the wake of her mother’s recent passing. Heins stated, “After thorough examination and consideration, the Board concluded that, given the visions and missions of these two complementary organizations, it just made sense to combine our efforts and resources. There is no doubt that, together, we can make a significantly larger and more effective impact on the fight against not only breast cancer, but all forms of cancer, in our state.”
For the immediate future, Cancer League intends to continue the iconic Sue Miller Day of Caring Fashion Show as a part of its annual fundraising efforts, and a portion of the dollars raised by Cancer League from the Fashion Show would be used to fund breast cancer-related research and service organizations that support breast cancer patients and their families.
Day of Caring was a non-profit organization founded in 1980 as Colorado’s first breast cancer awareness and educational organization. Since their inception, they have served more than 17,500 breast cancer survivors and co-survivors with meaningful educational experiences and financial assistance. They are proud that every dollar raised by Day of Caring remained in the seven county Denver metropolitan area. This community event that Sue built is now in other cities, encouraging anyone who was connected to breast cancer to live, thrive and survive.
Most people know Sue Miller as the founder of a breast cancer symposium that now holds eight sites nationwide. As an advocate for breast cancer patients and their families, she embodies quiet grace and resilience. Her wisdom, reassurance, and optimism have touched thousands of people. Few know however, of the personal struggles she overcame in order to help others.