Projects in laboratory, clinical, or cancer control research will be considered for funding. Particular emphasis will be placed on support of independent junior investigators, post-doctoral and research fellows (M.D. or Ph.D. certified), and pilot studies that will become eligible for further funding through conventional support mechanisms. High quality collaborative projects will be considered. Emphasis will be placed on those projects that explore highly innovative, unconventional or high-risk approaches to the cancer problem, and projects with special significance to cancer in Colorado.
Cancer League of Colorado Cancer Research Grant Application forms must be utilized for all applications to be considered for funding.
Both the Principal Investigator and an Institutional Official authorized to accept responsibility for administration of the grant must sign the face page signifying their assurance that they will abide by the requirements of the Cancer League of Colorado and this program. In the case of a fellowship, the Fellow must write the proposal and the signature of the Mentor is also required.
Friday, March 7, 2025
Cancer League of Colorado is interested in the true science of discovering control and or a cure for cancer. In this resolve, we encourage all applicants to consider the strength of their own submission. We believe our Scientific Advisory Board will value all applications on the merit of the submission and will recluse their-selves from reviewing or valuing a submission that they or their constituents will be participating in. In the same manner we advise all applicants to consider the true value of their application as a NEW and UNIQUE request for funding.
Research projects, which have been previously funded by another agency, may be eligible for grants from Cancer League of Colorado if adequate justification is provided. Multiple applications from one lab are allowed, i.e., more than one post-doc from one lab applying, but potential funding of grants may be limited to one per Principal Investigator per lab.
Scientists and clinicians of non-profit research, medical service and educational institutions located in the State of Colorado are eligible to apply for grants. Educational institution members must have faculty status or a mentor with faculty status.
Chair of the Scientific Advisory Board Fall 2024
Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics
Bone Marrow Transplant Laboratories
University of Colorado